After choosing our song, we decided that it would be best to not only create an artist trying to promote something, rather than just another artist. So when we started making our music video for the song ‘I am One of Them’ we decided to base it around a serious topic, and eventually settled for crime. We thought this would be a good choice, especially as our target audience is teenagers.
Our target audience is evident from both our main product and our ancillary texts, we created a MySpace, Twitter and YouTube page which makes our artist very accessible to all teenagers. As we were promoting a new artist it was important that there were a large amount of both intertextuality and cross referencing. Our artists ‘house style’ was green, pink and black. The green backed up the hippy style image we wanted to create whilst the pink created a sense of femininity for her. Once we had decided on these three colours it was important they were involved in both the main product and the ancillary texts.

The pink top Eden wore in the music video was also worn in the shot for the banner along the top of the MySpace page; her surroundings in the banner are also similar to those in the music video. This creates a link between the two as soon as you visit the page. Pink also features heavily on the digipack – with the artists name ‘Eden Summers’ in pink and also with the tights in the photo shoot for the albums front cover. The tights Eden is wearing is also the MySpace, YouTube and Twitter page background creating a sense of realism, as real artists also have their house style matching on all their websites. It is also on the inside of our digipack where the CD would be placed.

The green we chose was the colour of one of Eden’s bracelets she was wearing in her photo shoot, this is the one chosen as our album cover. The colour is also the writing of the album name, in big bold writing sure to stand out to people who see it. We felt green would be a good choice as we wanted our artist to seem ‘at one with nature’ and this is shown in many of the photos on the MySpace profile.
The storyline of our music video is fairly complicated, following the lives of two teenage girls who live very different lives, but are bought together at the end with the poorer girl comforting the richer girl. Eden features in the video but is not part of the storyline until towards the end when she is standing next to the two girls the video focuses on. Also in our music video we have teenagers holding up the lyrics ‘I am one of them’ on pieces of cardboard in numerous locations, we thought this added to the idea of unity and thought it was one of the most memorable parts of the video. Because of this we placed them all as the background of our digipack, behind the list of other songs on Eden Summers album. We called the album the same as the single, ‘I am One of Them’ because Eden is a new artist and this would have been her most well known single – this is what a lot of new artists do to try and get people to buy their albums. It also adds to the message Eden is trying to promote.

As our music video didn’t focus too much on Eden we made sure other areas did, as we were trying to promote a new artist so it is important she is recognisable. There are many pictures of her on the MySpace page and there is also one on the inside of the digipack, next to her thank you message.

It was important that we tried as hard as possible to make Eden seem like a real artist, by doing little things such as making merchandise links and videos of her shooting both her music video and during her photo shoot. This was all viewable on her MySpace page.

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