Whilst making the video, we received a lot of feedback from both of our teachers, we felt this was important because they have had to help many students make their music video before us, so the advice they gave us we took on board. For example one of the final scenes where Hayley meets Jo, we had to completely change the location from by a large brick wall with Hayley leaning on it, to a more forestry area with Hayley sitting on a bench like log. They also suggested that Eden is introduced in the video earlier, as originally she wasn’t seen in the video until the 4th line of the song, and considering there is twenty seconds instrumental at the beginning this is quite a long time before we introduce our new artist. To change this we had two shots of Eden, before and after our news reports – This way she was introduced right at the beginning of the song.

But our teachers weren’t the only ones who gave us feedback and advice before we finished the video, other classmates also did and I feel this was useful because our target audience is teenagers and so this way we could get the opinion of our target audience before we completed the filming, so any advice they gave us we could easily make the changes if we agreed with what they said.
Our main audience feedback though was once we had completed making our video, we made a suitable questionnaire and then we asked other students to come and see our video during our lesson. Roughly 15 students turned up and each one was handed a questionnaire in which they would answer the ten questions whilst watching the video. We chose students because our target audience was teenagers so their opinion is what matters most to us.
The results were mostly positive, most of the people said they enjoyed watching the video and saw Eden Summers as we wanted to portray her, as a pop artist but with a meaningful message. Another positive was that when asked their favourite part of the video, the answers were varied with for example the mugging scene, the signs and at the beginning with the three different news reports being most common – which were the three we wanted to stand out most and originally thought would turn out the best. People also said the lyrics matched the music well, which was important for us because originally we planned for a lot of lyrics to match directly to the visuals. Despite all the positives, the main negative was that a few people found the storyline too difficult to understand and felt we tried to fit too much into a 3 minute music video and ended up overcomplicating it, suggesting they would have to watch it more than once to end up understanding the storyline fully – Everyone knew the song was about crime though and felt this point was emphasised by the video.
People felt the message was more evident than Eden as an artist, which is what we wanted but perhaps we could of put a little bit more focus on Eden especially as she is a new artist trying to make it big. We were happy with the audience feedback as most of it was what we expected, despite this it was still very useful to us in understanding how our target audience would feel about the video we made. Looking back on things I would probably of suggested we try and make our storylines more simple next time, as that may have been more effective.
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