During our coursework production we had to use a variety of different media technologies, many of which we had little experience of using before. Without all the hardware and software available to us our final media product would have been to a much lower quality.
During the research stage a lot of time was spent looking into real artists and the things they produce. Whilst watching and analysing music videos the key website I used was YouTube, a site which holds millions of videos and nearly every professional music video created. Thanks to this it was simple to watch numerous different genres music videos and see if there were similarities between them, and most importantly what the differences were. Not only have we used YouTube to analyse other music videos, we have uploaded our one there and also our planned story board, helping us to show how the final video would look., another similar website we used was Vimeo – this is because when uploading our music videos to YouTube the sound was removed due to copyright restrictions. YouTube also allows you to create an account, we created one for our artist Eden Summers to upload videos of her shooting on set etc.

To record the storyboard, and later our music video, we used a Sony handheld camcorder and Sony DV tapes. It was simple to get the footage from the tape onto the computer and we used a program called Adobe Premier Pro to do this, this program allows you to edit the footage, place transitions in and change the pace of the shots, as well as many other things. Using this program with our storyboard was the first time as a group we used the program, and it was important during this time to learn how to use it properly – the only previous experience we had was at the beginning of the school year when we were all put in other groups to shoot a few seconds of a Britney Spears video.

A lot of planning was needed before we made our music video, with things such as risk assessment and shooting schedules needing to be made. We decided to do this on Microsoft Word as it was a simple program that we were all comfortable using. To upload our written work onto the computer we used a scanner and cleared the images up by using photo editing software.
To keep in touch with each other whilst not at school we used the social network site Facebook, but also used Hotmail as well as texting and phoning each other. Hotmail enabled us to send each other work. We also used the social networking website, MySpace, to create a webpage for our artist, Eden Summers. Many artists have grown a fan base using MySpace and we felt it would be a very useful thing for us to create one and help make Eden Summers seem more real. We edited the page to make it look similar to those of real musicians and bands; we also uploaded the videos we had placed on YouTube onto Eden’s MySpace profile, both of Eden shooting the video and of the final video itself.

All of my work during the coursework production has been uploaded onto my blog, this includes the research and planning and work prior to the actual video itself.

All of these technologies have been extremely useful and vital to the success of our production, but they haven’t been without their flaws. Whilst editing our video on Adobe Premier the program crashed randomly, this became a common theme during the final stages of our music video. Not only this, but our camcorder had to be sent back and replaced after it was unable to capture our footage onto the computer, but when using other peoples camcorders we were able to.
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